My buyers' realtor took photos after the closing. Because the girl buying my house had a procedure done to her nose, she...
Random Thoughts
a dance break
I have a distant friend who lost her son to a drug overdose last week. This was in the obituary... The family requests...
i planned to share a low cal snack but it was awful
Katie, my niece that's not a niece, is one of the fat girls in our diet group of three. We're almost at the 3 week mark and...
trying to keep up and floundering
Sometimes when you're crazy busy, it's hard not to feel like you're not just wasting a whole summer of your life. That's...
diet incoming
I've gained about 15 pounds over the past couple months. It started when I stopped walking and started a project that kept...
don’t promise what you can’t deliver
Even if it's not something important, you shouldn't promise what you might not be able to deliver. For example, yesterday I...
new fav at starbucks & a tip
I've found a new favorite at Starbucks. I don't do cold coffee often, but when it's a miserable hot day I make exceptions....
rapid COVID tests lie
My favorite brother tested with home rapid tests for COVID and was negative... but really sick. His fever broke late...
The 80’s house is officially for sale
The Seymour house is online and live. I want it to sell -- the sooner the better -- but when it does, I'll officially be...