On Tuesday at 10:30 AM ET, our January events started requesting reschedules. COVID is on the rampage so here we go...
Random Thoughts
people talk with nothing to say, no cap
Although the word "groovy" was popular into the 70's, I don't remember ever using it myself. I still use the word "cool"...
where is the nearest Starbucks
Alexa Show's default settings provide rotating "tips" (actually ads). This morning, when it suggested I ask for the...
i’m not ready to know the secret
Today is BACK TO WORK AFTER THE HOLIDAY Monday. In Indiana, today feels like winter... unlike Christmas when it felt like a...
how many days till Christmas?
We took down all the outside Christmas lights yesterday IN THE RAIN. At 52°F, even with rain it wasn't awful -- especially...
Rollin into 2022…
For sure we aren't partying like it's 1999! Jerilyn has COVID. Scott and Tammy have COVID. Sorry they are sick, but happy I...
Christmas 2021 is in the books
I tried to talk Ben & Coco into letting me get Mom's favorite for dinner... KFC. They were having NONE of that and...
down the Disney rabbit hole
Ben came for coffee this morning and we took a journey down the Disney rabbit hole. We talked about trips past and ones to...
nine… then six… and now
Nine years ago today, we had snow in southern Indiana. It was COLD in Crothersville, but beautiful. Six years ago today, we...