Up early to vacuum and steam mop the floors to put up my Christmas tree, I was excited! I've never decorated this early,...
Random Thoughts
just like the old days but instead of HGC, it’s CCL
I'm still a gamer. A very seasoned (translation - OLD) gamer. At present, my game of choice is Heroes of the Storm by...
i need eggs
No eggs in 3 counties and I'm almost out. But all is not lost! I had surprise delivery of deviled eggs... and twice-baked...
it’s a covid nightmare
Received word that Wal-mart in Indiana and Illinois (and likely other states, as well) sent a "911" message to employees...
the boys were back in town again
Duke Energy showed up to finish cleaning up the mess of limbs they left from earlier in the week. Starting before 7:30 AM...
social media depletes more energy than marathons
With all the negativity on social media platforms, I'm finding I am turned off from engaging at all. It's exhausting! The...
starting my Monday with Duke Energy… oh my!
A little dude that spoke English with a thick Spanish accent knocked on my door this morning before 9:00 AM telling me he...
my office with a view
A long time ago, in the land before Facebook, I ran (owned the server, etc.) a forum for the town I lived in at that...
my favorite brother’s covid birthday
Today is the birthday of my favorite brother. I looked for a normal photo to share on Facebook but all I found was this......