I drove Coco to meet her Mom yesterday and it poured rain on us the entire trip. I don't know about you, but I HATE driving...
Spring in Indiana
what happens when you attack the messenger?
You've probably heard the metaphoric phrase at least once in your life, "don't shoot me... I'm just the messenger," right?...
why spark should buy out UPS
Over the past several years, not one time has a Walmart Spark delivery driver taken my groceries to the wrong house. Not...
the storms missed the barndo, but Vallonia wasn’t as lucky
I was in bed by midnight last night... a record for me. I broke down and turned on the A/C and even slept through most of...
a gorgeous day to soak in sun
It may be 4 days to summer but you'd never know it in my slice of world. A gorgeous day (even with an air quality alert) to...
train your dog to recognize weekends
Wouldn't it be great if you could train dogs to recognize weekends? I'm talking about the days that many humans have off...
you light your own birthday candles when you’re 41
We celebrated Coco's 14th birthday yesterday. Yes, it was late because she was with her Mom on her special day. We had...
a polar plunge offers physical and mental benefits
The only one that released endorphins and adrenaline here yesterday was Coco. The pool water temp dropped to 70° after the...
practice retirement: overview of the early days
So many people I know are retiring. Of course, that's a sign that I'm old -- especially since some of them are younger than...