This past weekend consisted of a lot of repeat things we enjoy, and something new. The deck and pool. First, as I...
Spring in Indiana
whew! what a week…
I try to always be positive but this week has made it nearly impossible. More contract negotiations (arguing basically)...
i’m afraid i don’t have it in me anymore…
It's different for everyone... that age when you simply don't have the drive to "grow your business" or "attain a higher...
is it fall? did i sleep through summer?
It's under 60 degrees in the Ville at almost 11:00 AM and the high will barely top 70. The pool water is too cold to enjoy...
there are no human remains here… probably
I read an article today about the near 70 bodies recovered in Evansville that were discovered during a sewer project. They...
i had stone soup for lunch – least that’s what i was told
The day started with rain and fog. It's colder than it's been for weeks, but we needed the rain. Mom made what she called...
ah… the teenage years…
My favorite granddaughter turned 13 years-old on the 4th. We celebrated her birthday today because she chose to go to a...
3 things you can do to alleviate work related stress
I'm about half done with the really stressful portion of booking speakers for a client's event. I've spent their money;...
i’m lucky because i can mow grass
I'm not a fan of mowing and weed eating, but I do like the way everything looks when it's freshly done. Doing it is...