Last night, Elon Musk interviewed Donald Trump on X (Twitter) via X Spaces. It started 40 minutes late because of a DDOS...
the entire world is smoke and mirrors
Just as I've done for years, I begin each day checking email and reading the latest news as I'm having my first cup of...
lightroom makes pesky distractions disappear
When I opened Lightroom on my iPhone last night, there was a pop-up letting me know I had early access to the new...
when debunking political claims doesn’t turn out like you expected
This isn't about politics insofar as who you should vote for. It is more about big tech and how people can be manipulated...
2 tips for protecting your web browsing privacy
If you have an iCloud subscription, you might be aware of recent challenges regarding Apple's private relay service. And,...
quick comparison of iphone and android night photography
My fingers REALLY want to type about my thoughts on current events -- especially the opening ceremony of the Olympics --...
she just moved and now likes dogs and Trump
My sweet Nanny was born in 1911. She passed away at age 98 in 2009. That would make her 113 years-old if she were alive...
it’s nearly impossible to keep a secret because of the Internet
The two biggest things to hit the Internet today are: Mr. Pesky is celebrating another birthday. Joe Biden has dropped out...
photos aren’t kept in shoeboxes anymore
Back in the day, photos were captured on film, taken in or mailed off to be developed and printed, and 35mm camera users...