You know how you talk to yourself in your head? It's ok, everybody does it! The act of talking to your own mind goes by...
Winter in Indiana
navigating life’s frosty moments by embracing the cozy
No blizzard or squalls here in the Ville, just light snow and frigid wind that will freeze your face off in about 10...
Desperately In Search Of Noah’s Digitized Architectural Design Plans
After thinking I needed to build an ark over the last couple days, that thought has been replaced since liquid has turned...
water hating lab is the one that needed a bath
Black, water hating lab, Merida, has been scratching because the winter air and inside heat is drying out her skin. My...
dangerously cold arctic air is coming to the ville
It was windy and rainy for almost the entire day yesterday here in the outskirts of the Ville. It wasn't just dainty rain...
some rough patches are rougher than others
My freezers are filled to the brim and I have more stuff that I have to fit in them. Honestly, I could probably get by...
i am dharma’s dedicated escort
Dharma has some slight mobility issues -- nothing horrible yet, but you won't see her jetting around anywhere. She was...
say what you will about Biden, he’s a record setter
For the first time in history, US national dept tops $34,000,000,000,000.00. If you're like me, you had to count back the...
photo project for 2024 — what to do?
You'll notice is sporting different colors and a little different layout. Before I started, I did some...