Personal reflections and lifestyle perspectives…
i will not be buying a PS5 this Christmas
Crazy Walmart story incoming because my name is NOT Diane Rimes... It all started with 3 odd...
looking to buy a flashing neon sign for UPS and FedEx
Last week, my packages were delivered to the wrong address 3 times. Twice to the Villa where I...
thermometer says 35° but it feels like ten below
I'm sure Seymour had wind, but I swear I don't remember it being so freaking windy there all the...
almost as many dogs as people for Christmas
I'm not sure how our family Christmas is going to shake out this year. Perry has to work Christmas...
keeping a product to avoid a learning curve?
I've used Adobe products for as long as I can remember. I purchased them for horribly high prices...
neutering is easier than spaying – for dogs and their moms
Hugo's surgery yesterday was no big deal at all. He's not even noticed what he no longer has, and...
2025 Photo Challenge
Weekly selected photo of dogs that hate being photographed.
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