Personal reflections and lifestyle perspectives…
baked mini penne pasta with red sauce… nope — tacos
It's been one of those days. I fixed the meat and boiled the pasta. Had the garlic bread ready to...
dumbing it down: O-o-O—OZEMPIC..! YOU KNOWWWWWW
Am I the only one that thinks commercials are getting dumber every single day? Who dreams up these...
tomorrow is our last warm day for awhile
I intended to do a bit of outside Christmas decorating today but couldn't get motivated. After...
festive preparations are exhausting
Today I did a thing. I typically don't do this "thing" until Thanksgiving, but this year I did it...
is there life after politics?
When I said I hoped the political posts on social media and constant news coverage would slow down...
hugo has separation anxiety and crate terror
Yesterday, my favorite brother and sister-in-law stopped at Mom's on their way back to Fort Wayne...
2025 Photo Challenge
Weekly selected photo of dogs that hate being photographed.
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