Personal reflections and lifestyle perspectives…
interesting moments from week 31 of 2024
Here we are... already in week 32 of the year. Week 31 was interesting... How well do you know...
dark before 8:00 PM in August!
During the winter months in Indiana, you can expect it to be dark by 7:30 PM. With winter days...
lightroom makes pesky distractions disappear
When I opened Lightroom on my iPhone last night, there was a pop-up letting me know I had early...
when debunking political claims doesn’t turn out like you expected
This isn't about politics insofar as who you should vote for. It is more about big tech and how...
signs summer is fading fast in rural Indiana
It sure seems like summer is just getting started when in fact, it's coming to a close. School is...
Dharma says all dogs need a pupscicle
My two big hounds can break the bank when it comes to my much too soft heart and treats. They get...
2025 Photo Challenge
Weekly selected photo of dogs that hate being photographed.
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