really funny mother nature

Nov 15, 2018

I was so excited when I learned of the forecast for snow last night. What a disappointment when we instead got ice and no fluffy flakes.

I was still awake at 3:00 AM this morning when the power went out. I didn’t get really cold in the night snuggled under covers, and I have a gas fireplace that kicked on at some point. While the fireplace doesn’t keep the bedroom or office toasty, it felt great in the kitchen and living area portion of the house when I rolled out of bed about 8:30 AM.  Still no power.

And then… my cell service went to shit. And my phone only had 27% battery life because I always charge it while sleeping.  Text messages would go through about 2 per hour, but calls were dropped immediately. I was begging everyone to please notify Duke I was in the dark.

it was an ice storm

Perry brought me Starbucks and breakfast and Ben showed up a few hours later to do whatever it is you do to electric garage doors to get them open and start my generator. When he left, he said, “I’m outta here. You’re independent now.” Ok…

And then there was LIGHT. And HEAT! And WATER! And INTERNET!! About 8:15 PM everything about life was great again…

…except I still didn’t get the snow I wanted.