electric is flowing to 500

electric is flowing to 500

Another neighbor decorated outside for Christmas today and Mr. Pesky helped. For a little dead end road in the country, we’re festive out here. REMC is watching those meters spin.

Dharma watched as the lights went up.

Being old, I snicked when I saw the meme below. 🙂

I didn’t snicker just because it’s true, but also because of the typo. It made me think back to taking Ben to see Santa in the early 80’s, but made me cringe because whoever took the time to create it couldn’t spell — or more likely, they speak very little English, weren’t alive in 1980, and have never been to the US.

Now you know: The human brain remains half awake when sleeping in a new environment for the first time. When we sleep in a new place, our brains are actually in survival mode, only turning half off, with one hemisphere remaining more “awake” than the other.

let it snow!

let it snow!

The Pesky Neighbors gave me a light to shine on the garage door. I’m going to have to work on it in the daytime because it’s distorted and a bit sideways. The fact that the light’s stake has to be pushed into the ground doesn’t help when it’s a gravel driveway.

Right now, it says, “Let it Snow!” I’m wanting that 100%.

I tried to take a photo but it looked like a white blob using my trusty iPhone. Since it’s supposed to be almost 60° tomorrow with rain, this is as close to snow as I’m gonna get for awhile:

I’m pretty sure I’m finished with shopping except for one person. At least I hope I’m close since I’ve already spent a fortune. Two people this year are receiving gifts that have a clue (or clues) wrapped and under the tree. For one recipient, Carl is bringing the gift with him so we can haul it in once the clue package is opened.

In the meantime, I’m sure enjoying the lights and decor. I might be tired of it by January, but for now it makes me happy. 🙂

Now you know: XT11 was the name given to a severely disabled infant chimpanzee that exhibited Down syndrome-like symptoms and other congenital birth defects. Her mother and sister took care of her anyway, and her social group did not reject her. She survived in the wild for 23 months.

dear santa… i changed my mind…

dear santa… i changed my mind…

Perry asked if I wanted a bigger TV for the living room/office for Christmas. My reply?

Me: We have 6 already. Why would I want yet another TV for Christmas?

Well, Santa (or Perry), is it too late to change my mind?

This TV went through a move just fine. To my knowledge, there’s been nothing close to it — yet, something has hit it and it’s now not much more than a brick.

Maybe the inmate did it.

I don’t typically answer my phone when it’s a number I don’t know or one not in my contacts list. For some unknown reason, I picked up. I stayed on the call long enough to hear, “This is a direct call from an inmate at Scott County Jail.” I hung up!

Directly afterward, my phone rang again. This time it was a collect call from an inmate at Scott County Jail. (I assume the same inmate.) I hung up quicker. Then I sat and worried over it even though there’s only a handful of people who’d call me if they were in jail.

One of them was with me just moments beforehand…

Now you know: Hannah Ocuish, a native American, intellectually disabled 12 year-old girl is believed to be the youngest person ever executed in the United States. She was convicted and hanged for the murder of a 6-year old daughter of a wealthy farmer. You can read about it here.

there goes part of my inheritance

there goes part of my inheritance

I’m always teasing the Pesky Neighbors about spending my inheritance. For example, Mom wanted new socks and I told her she could go barefoot. 😉

Good thing they know I’m joking…

Otherwise, they might not have brought me home this…

It’s me. I’m a last minute shopper.

Usually, I wait until the last minute to buy gifts. There’s been many years I didn’t even start shopping until mid-December.

Not this year! I still have a few things to pick up, but for the most part I’m done. I have a ton of stuff arriving next week and for the first time ever, I’m wrapping as I go instead of cramming it all into one day. Not gonna lie, I feel pretty darned proud of myself. BAM!

Now you know: Kate Winslet broke Tom Cruise’s underwater filming record while filming Avatar 2. Winslet held her breath during a scene for seven minutes and twelve seconds beating the mark of six minutes Cruise set while filming Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.

There’s not enough.

There’s not enough.

I read a post on FB and I can only share an overview because I can no longer find it. It pertained to Christmas giving and was written by a Mom trying to think what else she could buy for her kids for Christmas. She felt like what gifts she had weren’t enough.

We’ve all been there, right? Even as a Nana, I’m there right now.

The story continues as she reflects back to Christmas gifts received as a child, and how she couldn’t remember a single thing opened at Christmas. She remembered the food and the magic of Santa. She remembered reading about the birth of Jesus and the excitement she felt leading up to Christmas morning. She remembered the presents… but not what was inside of them.

While I agree with the concept, I do remember a bit more. 🙂

I remember Nanny and Pappa always bought me one gift… but it was a big gift and always the one thing I wanted. It was usually a doll. (As old as I am, if I had them now I’d be rich!) I remember getting a birthstone ring one year. Another year, I got one of those hair dryers you sit under (that Nanny was still using after her 95th birthday). I remember Scott getting a chemistry set and a “high gear” game. I was jealous over both those things.

I remember that my parents owned a grocery store that was open on Christmas Eve — when we opened our gifts. We always got started late and Mom made everyone eat chili before we could open anything. I remember Mom ate soooo slooooow. I also remember many of our presents were in brown bags or whatever bags they came in from the store. Mom would disappear and reappear by the tree with something else she’d purchased and hidden away.

I also remember Christmas Eve nights where Coco got tired of opening her gifts because she had so many… and I’m sure even then I wondered if it was enough.

The story closed with the author’s suggestion to stop worrying about gifts to purchase and instead focus on making memories.

When Christmas is over and years pass… everyone will only remember the way they FELT and not what they GOT.

Now you know: Alabama was the first state to officially recognize Christmas in 1836.