bad luck – part 102

bad luck – part 102

Seriously, more bad luck. Nothing horrible – no one has died — but another day with another challenge.

85°F plus a few.

So today was hot. That’s great, right? After the colder than normal temps, the sunny, hot day was welcome. Not so welcome; however, when the A/C quit.

We’d never gotten around to letting Perry pick his restaurant for his birthday dinner. We suck because his birthday was in February. Not that we haven’t eaten in months, but only that he hadn’t yet chosen his special meal. Today, we headed to Clarksville to eat at Kansai Japanese Steakhouse.

We made it about 20 miles before the A/C went out. 🙄

we were HOT!

Windows down, everyone’s hair was blowing around like crazy… except for Perry’s. He doesn’t have any hair to blow around. By the time we arrived, we looked a bit worse for wear. They probably wondered if we had the money to pay for what we were about to eat.

kansai steakhouse

The food was good and the company was awesome… even with bad hair.

Ben and Coco

We hit Walmart and picked up cans of stuff to recharge the A/C… but something else is wrong and we wonder if it could be the compressor. It’s poor Perry’s work transportation so until he has a day off to figure it out — he’s going to be sweating as long as the temps stay warm. What a happy belated birthday gift to Perry. ARG!

I told y’all I was bad luck right now and I’ve warned everyone to stay clear… but I still feel bad.

TIL (Today I Learned): Queen Elizabeth has an official “shoe-wearer” who breaks in her shoes so they don’t give her blisters.

not one food photo at one of my favorite places

not one food photo at one of my favorite places

Over the weekend we took a drive north to eat at one of my favorite places… The Cheesecake Factory. The weather was great. The drive was nice. The company was near perfect.

And, the food? It was amazing. I got my standard Chicken Madeira. I’m always disappointed when everyone doesn’t order it too since it’s the best thing they have on the menu. Too bad for them — all of them — that they didn’t get what I did.

Then, tulips bloomed in the backyard and Perry had to go back to work.

Those few days he had off sure went by fast. (Faster for him than for me, obviously.)

TIL (Today I Learned): Drivers were banned from drinking alcohol during the Indianapolis 500 in 1914. This came a year after Jules Goux drank 3 bottles of champagne during the 1913 race.

nothing much ever happens on the 11th of March

nothing much ever happens on the 11th of March

Everyone I know uses their phone to take photos. Only a few people I know do back-ups. Some of the people who have back-ups don’t even know they have them, and especially don’t know how to find them when something goes wrong.

Back it up!

The Basics — If you have an iPhone, you know your photos are stored within the iCloud service. Android keeps everything in a downloads folder (usually called My Files) on your phone. If you want your photos backed up to your Google account, you have to turn that on (settings/accounts and backup/backup data) — and if you have a Samsung phone you also have a Samsung cloud.

iPhone is easier.

Android breaks stuff into work and personal. If I’m not in the “work” area of my phone, my photos go to my personal gmail account. Since I use my work email most often (we have Google business email accounts for the corporate domain), I have a bunch of photos under that identity and others on another Google account. With an iPhone — it’s just iCloud. Easy Peasy.

How I know about the 11th of March in years past.

If you have Amazon Prime, you can easily back-up your photos. While there’s a storage limit on videos, you can store all the photos you want in the cloud service they provide to you at no additional cost. You just download their free app available no matter what OS you’re using.

Grab the app for your phone — any phone will do — to automatically upload images. Grab the app on your computer/tablet too so you can view them there as well. When you upload photos to Amazon Photos, they’ll also display on your Echo Show and Fire TV.

And then, every day you get served “on this day” photos.

You get some really awesome memories… like this “on this day” from 2012…

baby coco from years ago

And next year on March 11th, I’ll have this sleepy-tired hound dog photo pop up to make me smile. 🙂

merida the black lab

people talk with nothing to say, no cap

people talk with nothing to say, no cap

Although the word “groovy” was popular into the 70’s, I don’t remember ever using it myself. I still use the word “cool” and it’s been around since the 1930’s. So old now that I guess I’m not aware of all the words that are currently in fashion, I didn’t know what it meant to say, “no cap.” Do you?

My 11 year-old granddaughter let me know that “no cap” is the same as saying “no lie.” How about that? She also let me know that it’s ok not to use it because people that do are just talking with nothing really to say anyway.

And then she hit me up for cake pops at Starbucks. At least she let me get something too. No cap! 🙂

starbucks drink

I read an article that you’ve GOT to read too. This WSJ article entitled “Millennials Are the Silencing Generation” (<—CLICK THE LINK and thank me later) could’ve been written by me — but it wasn’t. In the words of a fellow Baby Boomer to Millennials…

We offended people. You are perpetually offended. We were John Belushi’s Bluto; you are Dean Wormer. 

generational birth years

And finally, if you’re wondering why so many vaccinated people are still getting sick with COVID, here’s a great article from the Associated Press that will answer the question for you.

TIL (Today I Learned): Gerald Ford had the distinction of being the only person to serve as POTUS without being elected to either the presidency or the vice presidency. He was voted by Congress to be vice president after Spiro Agnew resigned, then filled the presidency after Nixon resigned.

Christmas 2021 is in the books

Christmas 2021 is in the books

I tried to talk Ben & Coco into letting me get Mom’s favorite for dinner… KFC. They were having NONE of that and insisted that I make chicken alfredo. It’s one thing I’ve yet to fail at in the kitchen.

chicken alfredo

Of course, with the butter and heavy cream it’s a tad fattening. We were all much skinnier before eating and before posing for a holiday photo.

family Christmas

I’m so out of shape that if somebody yells, “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!”… I’ll be like, “you guys go on ahead. I’m going to meet Jesus.”

all family members got the memo

We had a fabulous time — even the Peskie’s enjoyed themselves. Besides all the great gifts, Coco even liked her Haunted Mansion jacket I bought while at the park when she wasn’t looking. 🙂

Coco's new jacket

Today, I take down the lights from outside (before we get rain… before it gets cold over the weekend… and before we have snow). Tomorrow, when Perry has a chance to get in the attic for my boxes, I’ll get the inside of the house back to normal.

Tonight… we have tacos incoming to celebrate the new year. Happy New Year to y’all — much wealth, health and happiness in 2022. ❤️