school buses in the late 30’s and early 40’s

school buses in the late 30’s and early 40’s

Sometimes, you can find gems on Facebook. Not often, I’ll admit, but I saw a photo shared to the group “Crothersville History in Pictures” that I grabbed. It’s of Alice Rider (Jeff Rider’s mom — Jeff graduated with my favorite brother) and she graduated in 1943.

It’s a picture of a picture. 🙂

Crothersville school bus in the late 30's and early 40's

Jeff went on to say that his Grandfather Rogers (waaaaay before my time) drove the school bus for years. Of course, I wonder if that’s the only bus that Crothersville had. I also think about how cold it would’ve been in the winter, and that it wouldn’t hold many students. No flashing lights either that I can see.

Because I have some history with school buses and Photoshop…

I couldn’t help myself from “fixing” the above photo. Straightening it up and even colorizing it.

Colorized Crothersville school bus in the late 30's and early 40's

Now you know: In ancient Greece, men had to go to the gym completely naked. These spaces were exclusively for men, and exercising in the nude was meant to promote the appreciation of the male physique as a tribute to the gods.

if you care, it makes you sad. if you don’t…

if you care, it makes you sad. if you don’t…

Facebook removes posts that they determine are offensive. What they don’t remove are all the videos and images of maimed and starving animals that I simply can’t scroll fast enough not to notice. People who love animals are heartbroken by these posts — and those who don’t love animals don’t care. So what’s the point, really?

Facebook’s policies allow these photos/videos to raise awareness.

That’s what they claim anyway. I can’t adopt every dog from the foreign countries where they live. I already think humans that mistreat pets are monsters. Those monsters aren’t going to be persuaded to change just because of something they saw on Facebook. So again, what’s the point?

Dharma has a great life.

Dharma might look sad in the photo above, but I can promise you she isn’t. (That’s her “Merida is annoying” look — I have one of those too.) She’s not allowed to browse social media so she’s not seen those awful offerings.

Now you know: The inventor of the Keurig coffee pod system, John Sylvan, sold his ownership of the product for $50,000 in 1997.

facebook turned into a veteran’s day tribute

facebook turned into a veteran’s day tribute

I loved seeing all the photos shared on Facebook the last couple days — family members proud of their loved ones that served our country. Sadly, many of those good looking service dudes are long gone now. 🙁

The best one was shared by a work friend:

While on the bus heading for the plane to take them to Vietnam, two guys were pulled off to be part of the Old Guard, the ceremonial unit of the Army. My Bill was one of them.

I can’t even imagine how he must’ve felt… that would be like hitting the lottery, wouldn’t it?

Katie is one brave woman!

Katie came to visit last night with a secret. She’s not told her Momma yet and I predict fireworks. His name is Willy.

Now you know: 61% of US troops killed in Vietnam were under the age of 21. The overall average age was 23.

this content doesn’t go against our community standards

this content doesn’t go against our community standards

You know… I’m so sick and tired of the BS on Meta. Lemme tell you a story…

I don’t post very often on Facebook — but I noticed every time I did… or when I commented on the posts of others… this one person was following me.

Enough is enough, right? Get out of here you freakshow — it’s obvious this is a fake account attempting to scam Facebook users. I blocked the person and reported it. Know what Facebook said?

“We’ve taken a look and found that this content doesn’t go against our Community Standards.”

So what is against your community standards, Meta? I’ll tell you what… anything negative about Biden, anything positive about Trump, and anything about COVID or the vaccines they deem untrue. That’s what. 🙄 You obviously don’t care if your users get scammed.

That sort of thing goes against MY standards. So I visit Facebook less and less – and spend more time here:

And then, Meta suspended my Instagram account because I might’ve fallen for a phishing attempt. 😡

Because I checked out ole’ Maddison Tina so I could report him/her, Meta locked my Instagram account to keep me safe. And the code they send via recovery SMS and email never makes it to me.

Other than that, life is peachy!

Now you know: With an estimated pay of $156,000,000 , Keanu Reeves is the highest paid actor in history for a single production since Matrix 2&3 were filmed back-to-back.

why you shouldn’t use meth to treat cancer

why you shouldn’t use meth to treat cancer

Local sheriff’s departments share photos of new inmates on Facebook. I don’t know if other counties across the US do it, but Scott County shares arrests frequently… Jackson County not as often, but they still do it sometimes.

Of course, arrests with photos are available on law enforcement websites for every jurisdiction, but you have to actively go to each city/county’s URL to see them. Sharing on FB puts it out there on everyone’s feed and attracts a whole lot attention.

Not gonna’ lie, I struggle with how I feel about this.

First, if the arrest is of an addict, sharing the photo shames the family… not the one arrested. What good does that do, really? On the other hand, when arrests are shared, I always look to see if they are of someone I know. That’s human nature.

Is it good to have the suffering of others served to us when we’re scrolling through FB to read the things shared by friends and family? I don’t think so. But… if I see my contractor has a prior for murder — or that someone I was going to hire to do work in my home was charged with theft — then is it a good thing? Yah, probably.

There are always 2 sides.

I agree with both sides.

The world is saturated with information. Some good… but mostly bad. The media saying, “if it bleeds, it leads” is so true, isn’t it?

What’s your opinion?

Add 3-minutes every single day for 30 days.

What if we unplugged from social media and information saturation for 3 minutes today? And what if we added another 3 minutes tomorrow… and continued this for 30 days?

At the end of that 30 days, every day forward we’d be cutting out one hour and a half of mindless negativity that penetrates our brains. Even more important… every day, we could add 1.5 hours of doing something that adds joy to our lives.

Who’s with me on this? 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): Graying is a sign of active hair growth. Gray hair is also both thicker and faster growing than pigmented hair.