what did you say?

what did you say?

Have you ever had a friend or colleague that no matter what you say or how many times you say it they miss the point totally?  You’ll learn so much more by simply listening.

That’s why Dharma is so smart. 🙂

dharma listens

out of control

out of control

When it takes a collar AND a choker chain to control your puppy, you might be a bad dog parent.

out of control

get over it already

get over it already

Facebook is still filled with political posts from those who support Trump and those who think he is worthless.  I see so many Trump haters sharing fake news over and over again. I’m so sick of it.  Trump is in and Hillary is done. No matter who you supported in the election, it is over.

If the Democrats want to dominate in the next presidential election, they probably need to focus on something other than nagging. Not sure who said it… but I know you’ve heard it before… and it could apply here:

You can’t build yourself up by tearing others down.

Think happy thoughts!

think happy thoughts

i have 3 dogs

i have 3 dogs

3 puppies napping in my office. How do I ever get anything done surrounded by such cuteness?

3 puppies

too good not to share

too good not to share

Saw this on FB and thought it was about the most accurate thing that’s floated around on social media for years:

your house