happy thanksgiving – and a belated happy gotcha day to Merida

happy thanksgiving – and a belated happy gotcha day to Merida

Merida became a family member on 11/22/19. It’s hard to believe she’s four! While she’s just a bit over 28 in dog years, she still acts like she’s in the human toddler version of the terrible twos. 🙄

Neither dog knows how to behave when anyone visits. When the family shows up today for Thanksgiving, it should be a regular workout for me… and everyone else no doubt.

Here’s hoping you have lots of good food and a stress free time with family today! xoxo 🦃

Now you know: John F. Kennedy was the first president to pardon a turkey.

a recent study said the holiday season is the most stressful time of the year

a recent study said the holiday season is the most stressful time of the year

In a recent survey, 88% of respondents said the holidays are the worst time of the year for stress, claiming it’s often challenging and lonely. With financial burdens from gift buying — to emotional burdens for those who have lost a loved one or are navigating complicated family dynamics — I see how it could be stressful for many.

In the workplace, the push to achieve big goals by the end of the year can pile on some mega pressure, as well. I definitely understand that one. Although that’s not a challenge within my current job, I have been there and done that.

I would bet all the respondents to the survey that said the holidays were the most stressful were not in the financial services industry.

I worked several years in banking and the most stressful time of the year was vacation.

I don’t know if all banks are similar, but the one I spent many years at made it so you never wanted to take time off. If you were on vacation, you were not allowed to go inside the branch where you worked. Before you left for vacation, you’d better make sure all your files were in order because while you were gone, you got audited. With a fine-toothed comb, y’all.

I only remember a couple people that were terminated when vacation wasn’t involved — but I know of many that got the ax after returning from their happy family vacation. The whole time you were supposed to be relaxing, you were instead worrying that you’d made some mistake… somewhere… that would be uncovered. It was miserable.

My wish for you is that your holiday season is filled with gratitude, connectivity, and joy!

Now you know: All the gold ever mined on Earth came from meteorites – not from the Earth’s core.

kicking off labor day weekend

kicking off labor day weekend

Nothing like a beautiful day to detail your car, right? Mine is pretty darned small so it doesn’t take a whole lot of time. I’m pretty sure it had been awhile since the last cleaning since I probably found $100 bucks in change.

Next came the never ending grass mowing job. I spent more than 3 hours just mowing the part I’m comfortable with — and that didn’t include the push mowing and weed eating that follows. Perry does the hills and next to the ditch because I’m a chicken.

And finally, I added sunset #52 of 52 on shelleyerwin.com. One year at the barndo and I’ve shared one sunset per week. You can check them out here if you’re so inclined.

Only a few more easy projects to finish this weekend that require someone on a ladder besides me and the rest of the time is for relaxing. Oh… except that I’m going to suggest we close the pool.

RIP Jimmy! 😢

Now you know: President Glover Cleveland had a secret surgery removing a tumor in his mouth on a yacht because he worried that news of him having cancer would effect the stock market.

hello, 3-day weekend — i’ve been waitin’ for ya!

hello, 3-day weekend — i’ve been waitin’ for ya!

The unveiling of the Crothersville FFA brick wall was this evening at the school. The goal was to sell 100 bricks, but they ended up selling over 150 small bricks and 150 large ones. I made sure Mom & Scott were both represented (big bricks for big deals, right?), and it’s something that should be there a very, very long time. 🙂

At 4:33 PM, one of my problem speakers tried to ruin the holiday for me, but no!

Funny… the speaker that was chomping at the bit to move things forward was the last one to get a contract to me for review. She told me on the phone how simple her agreements are – 2 pages. Turns out, it was 4 pages and requires the client to initial 12 times before signing.

To make matters worse, the client’s name was filled in wrong and two portions of the legal verbiage directly contradicted one another. Oh… and the signed contract has to be turned in by Tuesday after the holiday. I’m really close to putting a big red mark through her name and move on to someone else.

Work is over until Tuesday — I’ll worry about stupid people then, but not now.

Happy that we’re about to launch a 3-day weekend… Memorial Day is here. Pool water was 74 degrees when I checked earlier this afternoon. Still pretty cold to get in, but things are looking up just a bit.

TIL (Today I Learned): The Aerosmith song Walk This Way was inspired by the “walk this way” joke from Young Frankenstein.

those Pesky Neighbors ate our food on Easter

those Pesky Neighbors ate our food on Easter

What an amazing Easter Sunday! The weather cooperated the entire day. Before we could enjoy the “finally getting green view” outside, those Pesky Neighbors first ate our food — especially that bothersome woman one…

Mom eating Easter lunch

We had near perfect weather for April in Indiana!

It’s was just above 70 degrees and sunny all afternoon. Mom was even outside and didn’t complain about being cold. That’s a miracle! Ok… so she was wearing a sweat suit, but it still counts.

It was even warm enough to sit in the sun in a wet bathing suit. Ok… so first sitting for 20-30 minutes in 104 degree water helps… but still…

And the fact that Mr. Pesky thought I was the waitress for the day only means he thinks he’s company around here. 🙄

Blue skies with little wind — it’s about time.

The only thing that would’ve made the day better is if Ben and Coco could’ve been here too.

TIL (Today I Learned): Humans are the only animals that have chins. (Some humans even have multiple ones.)