not politics

not politics

I could care less about politics. I get so sick and tired of the negative FB posts aimed at both parties I could scream. I don’t care how much you hate the POTUS, the constant name calling is ugly. Obama isn’t president anymore so why attack him?

I can’t even remember if I voted for George H.W. Bush, but I still watched George W. Bush give the most touching eulogy for him. I cried. I thought about the death of my own father and how I could never, EVER, do that. Bawling just listening to someone I’ve never met give a eulogy for someone else I’ve never met is a pretty good indicator that role is better filled by someone else. Ole’ Jeb and I are in the same boat on that one — good thing we have brothers.

Bush eulogy
you can’t change others

you can’t change others

I saw a quote today that I want to share — not that there’s anyone I want to change at this stage of life, but I’ve sure tried changing others in the past:

Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.”

Too bad I didn’t read this a few decades ago, but knowing me… I wouldn’t have believed it anyway.  I’m one of those people that prefer visual, hands on learning — and that includes life lessons too. Obviously.

Dharma doesn’t care about changing anything or anyone. She’s thrilled when it’s Barkbox day and she thinks life is perfect so long as she has a soft place to dream and lots of love. Too bad we can’t all be more like Dharma.

Dharma the Diva

people are too quick to be too mean

people are too quick to be too mean

I rarely answer calls from local numbers anymore. Business calls for me are not coming from Seymour. The only calls that come from local numbers not in my contact list are either from Rebecca who wants to give me a free trip, or Michelle who is with the IRS giving me one last chance to pay what I owe with Applebees gift cards.

Perry called and said he would call right back… and Katie had just sent me a text message. Directly afterward, my mobile rang and I answered thinking it might be Perry using his work line or Katie using someone else’s phone. It wasn’t either of them.

Me: Hello, this is Shelley.
Her: Hey.
Me: Who is this?
Her: mumble mumble
Me: I’m sorry?
Her: You called me, BITCH!

There was no reason whatsoever for her to be rude. I couldn’t leave it alone so I sent a text that said, “It’s called spoofing. I didn’t call you. Google it.” Five minutes or so later (I assume she was Googling), she replied with, “oh i’m sorry.

Was she sorry for being rude and calling me a bitch — or was she sorry she isn’t up-to-date with the world enough to know what call spoofing is? Either way, it’s sad because she had ZERO reason to be mean.

I figure if Dharma and Gracie can be nice to one another even on Barkbox day, everyone can roll down the hate a notch and be just a little kinder.

sister from another mister

the old gray mare ain’t what she used to be

the old gray mare ain’t what she used to be

Yesterday, the family and I headed north and one of the stops we made was Red Lobster to reward Colette for doing well in school.  I’m known for asking for a box for leftovers and then forgetting them on the table — but I’ve NEVER left my phone.  Until yesterday…

I noticed I didn’t have it shortly after leaving the parking lot and it was a quick trip back, but sheesh!  Oh… and this happened AFTER Ben made fun of me for waiting on a window (not a door) to open for my exit at Target.

In my defense, I was putting money back in my wallet inside my purse while some old dude winked at me and motioned I could walk in front of him (so I did, and ended up standing in front of a non-opening full glass window panel about 2 steps from the opening part of the doors).

The old gray mare ain’t what she used to be… but she’s still always up for an adventure!

the old gray mare


why not me? everyone else is…

why not me? everyone else is…

TMTR: Gun Control — raise the age to 21 and ban bump stocks. Figure the rest out later.

take away the stick

as seen on Facebook

Seems like everyone is weighing in on the issue of gun control. Social media is saturated with it. I’ve absorbed opinions from my brother and colleagues — to friends in the US, Florida specifically, and Canada. I’ve read a bunch of articles and watched interviews given on the subject.  That certainly doesn’t make me an expert, but it does allow me to form an opinion. A partial one at least.

The Second Amendment, adopted in 1791, did not take into consideration the future advancement of semiautomatic and automatic weapons. Certainly we can all agree with that. Right so far? And, we want children to be safe — especially at school. Still with me?

But here’s where it gets tricky…

Raising the firearm possession age to 21 makes sense to me. While raising the age to 21 would deter school shootings, it doesn’t address other mass shootings like the one at the nightclub in Florida or the Harvest music festival shooting in Las Vegas. Based upon this, banning bump stocks sounds reasonable to me too. (In light of recent news of an elementary teacher in a neighboring town being arrested for distributing child pornography, the thought of giving guns to teachers makes my head spin.)

And here’s where it gets tricker…

The general public does not know the difference between a full automatic and a semi-automatic firearm. Robert Crook, executive director of the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, said “the term ‘assault weapon,’ as used by the media, is a media invention.” It’s my opinion media is a HUGE problem in all of this and I agree with Mark Sanborn who said, “We can all benefit from less information and more insight.

same for immigration

as seen on Facebook

So what can we agree to ban?

Do it Australia’s way or Denmark’s way? (From one friend… “We are Americans, for crying out loud! Can’t we figure it out for ourselves? STOP TRYING TO BE LIKE SOMEONE ELSE!“)

So why not tackle the easy stuff immediately, (like raising the age and banning bump stocks), and THEN tackle the more difficult arguments (ones that I haven’t even decided that I would support) after that? Seems like that would be a good and sensible beginning. No?

I’m the girl that years ago enjoyed shooting a Mac 11 machine gun with an ex-boyfriend (sorry Mom!). He has been an Indiana State Trooper for several years now. I understand it’s not all about the guns — but I also understand that the world has changed. There have been children arrested in neighboring communities just this week for school threats/intimidation. Still, I’m of the opinion we have enough governmental control (and they sure make us pay in taxes even for what we don’t want), and hate to see more regulations because a small percentage of people are evil, want attention, are bat-shit crazy or a combination of all three.

In the meantime, thoughts and prayers never hurt…

purple and green in nature