population changes and a birthday

population changes and a birthday

Population changes and a birthday have nothing to do with one another. Just clearing that up — don’t want you to think the birthday boy has anything to do with population growth. 🙂

I found something I thought was interesting today and I wanted to share it with you guys. If you’re not from or near Jackson County, Indiana, you won’t care one bit about it. Accept my apologies and invitation to return tomorrow.

I’m not a huge fan of statistics for the most part, but the population increases/decreases within Jackson County, Indiana’s cities and towns has me scratching my head. I was of the opinion that people were leaving smaller Crothersville and Medora — and migrating to even bigger Seymour and Brownstown. I was wrong! Check out the stats below:

Sources: US Census Bureau

Cities & Towns Population in 2014 Population in 2008
Brownstown  2,956  2,981
Crothersville  1,599  1,508
Medora   699   538
Seymour 19,094 19,223

Crothersville and Medora GREW in population, while Seymour and Brownstown DECLINED in population. I’m wondering if that’s good news for the house I have for sale at 204 E Bard in Crothersville.

And finally… happy birthday to my favorite brother on the planet — Scott McKain! He always hates it when I post dorky photos of him as a kid on social media. Only because I respect his birthday wishes did I refrain from that this year.  Instead, I simply posted this:

I'm Mom's Favorite

Malaysia 370 – a viewpoint that makes sense

I remember not so long ago talking to Scott via FaceTime — me in southern Indiana and him in Kuala Lumpur. He was excitedly telling me about the city and turned his laptop around so I could see the view from his hotel window. I grabbed the following screenshot:


Because my favorite brother travels internationally, the fact that Malaysia 370 is simply GONE is terrifying and interesting to me at the same time. Ben, Perry and I discussed our thoughts and I asked Scott (that referenced favorite brother), for his opinion. Scott offered up an email that included a link to a point of view that makes more sense than any I’ve heard to date.

You pretty much have to read the entire thread — the original contributor, Chris Goodfellow, has answered questions and provided information as late as this morning. Although he’s merely working from data obtained just like the rest of us — he certainly has more expertise in analyzing ‘real possibilities’ than the bajillion journalists reporting on the subject. Here’s the link.

So what do you think?

yesterday was not my birthday

I woke yesterday morning to a message in my Facebook inbox that wished me a happy birthday and told me that FB said I was older than what I already am. Not like good ole’ FB wasn’t already on my bad side, but seriously? I made a status post explaining that it wasn’t my birthday but I appreciated the well wishes (of course, this is AFTER I checked to make sure it wasn’t some sort of revenge plan by Perry).

Funny dialog followed until my brother commented, “This isn’t your birthday — but, it is the anniversary of when the police brought you to our house and dropped you off.” He failed to explain the inside joke that he used to tease me… tell me I was adopted and the police brought me (insert Bill Cosby, To My Brother Russell Whom I Slept With). So then, I started getting private messages asking what I was arrested for. Oh my!

To get my mind off of turning another year more ancient and 1k “friends” believing I’ve spent time in the “big house,” I began creating a new design layout for said brother’s Twitter page. Left of the red line in the image below is the final design (check it out and follow that Scott McKain guy — @scottmckain), but to the right of that red line is what I initially considered:

twitter design

I probably would’ve uploaded it if not for the fact that I enjoy working 20 hours a day. And because our ‘casual Friday’ meetings are REALLY casual and may include 2 dogs, a 3 year-old, and a dollhouse.
