More WoW

Apr 14, 2008

Posted by Perry

On Shelley’s previous post, she talked about getting wasted and going back for revenge only to have found out she whacked an innocent player. Here is the story behind it.

We have mentioned how we have been leveling these two characters for a while now but we haven’t told you just how hard it is at this level. The process is slow and tedious, you run quests, farm mobs to get xp and all of this is done while trying to dodge high level Horde who will waste you simply because its in their power to do so.

We had been in one particular area doing the grind for xp when I was attacked by a rogue – Cyrcie came to my aid and we whacked it, then proceeded to return to the grind only to have him return while I was fighting and he got payback on me (Horde normally wait for you to be in a fight before they attack you – we call it ‘ganking’.)

Now we could have camped this guy and waited for him to come back to kill him again, but we had better things to do. It was on to the next area…

We arrived and started grinding – right next to other Horde players who payed us no attention as they were doing the same thing – combat could wait. It was then that out of nowhere that I hear Cyrcie say she needed my help – she had a Horde on her while she was engaged with mobs. I got there while hurt and we both got wasted. Cyrcie had had enough – she came back wanting payback and didn’t care what Horde it was – someone was going down and did.

We are now more than halfway through level 66 and with some more work will be 67 soon. Then there are only three more levels to go until we’re maxed out! 🙂 We’ll keep you posted on how its going and hopefully we won’t have any more Horde problems – although revenge in WoW can be a fun thing. 😉