Hangin’ In There…

May 19, 2008

posted by Shelley

It’s the last week of school until summer break and I’m barely hangin’ in there. To say that I’ll be thrilled when Friday arrives is an understatement — even though I know you’re not supposed to wish your life away, I wish it was here already. I’m not a morning person and I never will be. Just the thought of sleeping past the ass crack of dawn is exciting. Yay!

Saturday was my day for a quick road trip, and I snapped a few photos out the window — amazing what you can get when you’re traveling 55 mph. (Please note that I wasn’t driving!)

Throw a camera in your car the next time you’re cruising to no place special and snap away. It’s not like the old days when film was expensive and developing it was worse. And it’s just as fun when you pull the photos from your digital camera to your computer and take a gander, as it used to be when you got those prints back and sat in the parking lot sifting through the pack to look at them all.

You remember those days, right? You paid a fortune for your 35mm camera and bought film. I remember it running about $3.50, although I have no clue what it is now. I would snap 22 carefully planned photos. A month later, I’d pull the ole’ camera out again and take the last 2 photos — having totally forgotten what I’d used the first 22 to capture. 1-hour photo service was a futuristic dream when I first started getting into photography, and so was Wal-mart.

Most times I’d take my film to 3D or the drugstore for development, (I had friends that did the mail-in thing but I was never patient enough.) Then the wait would begin. After about 5 days, I would stop or call each day following to see if my magnificent creations were ready for pick-up. Once they finally arrived, I jetted to get them — and sometimes couldn’t even wait until I got in the car to check them out. On average, I’d say about 5 of the 24 were ‘keepers’, and the price was around $11 bucks.

Now that all that’s a memory — you simply have no excuse if you don’t capture a bajillion awesome photos! Click away on anything and everything you find interesting — and then, trash the ones where you look fat, the sun glare made a big circle on your face, or your thumb got in the way.