More from the wayback machine

Aug 11, 2008

posted by Shelley

The hits just keep on comin’! As Mom continues to go through the items that my Grandmother has saved throughout the past 97 years, she keeps bringing more memorabilia to me to sort through. I posted about this earlier, but had some other pretty laughable finds in this last batch of stuff.

Yes, that is a Girl Scout badge from 1971. It’s funny what I remember about our group going to Broomsage Ranch — I remember that our group leader was Barb Deputy, and I remember that we washed our hands — a LOT. The reason? We had a coffee can filled with water that hung from a tree with binder twine. The can had a small hole in it where the water would run out, and that was plugged up with a small twig/stick. Pull out the stick and you have running water. We thought that was about the coolest thing ever …otherwise, none of us would’ve washed at all I’m sure.

Along with this badge was a GS mirror in a pouch, my GS handbook and of course the lovely green dress. The sash worn with the dress is covered with different badges that I earned, and inside the handbook that lists the badge requirements, is a date signed by our leader when I completed the work. Packed with all this valuable stuff was an Iron Maiden button. I guess my Grandmother thought this was somehow related to GS activities. Back then, I might’ve even told her that. 🙂

Digging through the next box of junk, I found an old address book. Now when I say old, I mean OOOOOLD! Inside were two 4-leaf clovers. Let me be the first to tell you my luck hasn’t been that great…that whole clover thing is a myth! This address book had the names and phone numbers of a ton of my teachers that they had personally written in. Notice the phone number for the police department, but don’t call that today. No clue who you’d end up with.

When did it go out of style to write your middle name along with your first name anyway? There are tons of names in this book that only use the last initial of the last name, but the middle name is written out! Cool at the time maybe, but today I have no clue who a bunch of these people are (or were). The 2 names that made me smile most were Earl Pommerehn and Mrs. Johnson, my 4th grade teacher. Fun stuff!