Cool and Uncool

Aug 12, 2008

posted by Shelley

Cool is another item pulled fresh out of the wayback machine! Especially when it’s a photo of your only son (now that’s pretty darned cool all by itself), taken over 25 years ago. What could make it even better? If he’s being held by your now 97 year-old grandmother. See that smile and look of admiration? She still gets that today when she looks at him.

It’s uncool if you’re a dog and your owner has a friend with puppies. It’s even worse when these puppies play in your bed and then go #1 in it. If you have any questions about THAT revelation, just ask Libby. She’s disowned her new fluffy bed and has been laying on a rug in the bathroom that adjoins the office. The bed is in the washing machine now (even though it’s been soaked with Febreeze a bajillion times already), and I’m hoping that Tide will not only wash away the smell of those bad hound dogs, but will also cleanse her of the memory of them even being here.