Romulo and Julianne

Sep 13, 2008

Meet Romulo and Julianne. These two are siblings — and there’s really not a great way to tell if they are male or female. Most of the time we refer to them as ‘guys’…as in, “What are you guys doin’?”

Romulo is the one with the mullet on the left. He (or maybe she) is the one that is the leader — he’s harder to tame, and he constantly tries to get Julianne in trouble. When out of the cage, Romulo flies to light on something up as high up as he can find, and then calls (shrieks!!) for her to join him. Julianne is more trusting — and if it weren’t for her contrary sibling, she (or maybe he) would be extremely fond of human type folk.

True to form — Julianne is out in front, trusting and wanting attention. Romulo thinks he’s camouflaged behind an angel and is whispering for her to join him.