
May 13, 2009

The burg has had a couple of pretty interesting developments of late. From my point of view (about a mile outside of the town’s limits), I wonder if anyone listens — or if they do and simply don’t care.

First, the Town of Crothersville appointed Vurlin McIntosh (Mac) as Crothersville Chief of Police upon the retirement of Norman Ford. To be honest, I’ve never had an issue with Mac; therefore, really had no objection either way. But I did find it funny that I personally didn’t hear one positive comment insofar as Mac being the best candidate for the position. I guess that two of the Town Council members weren’t listening to what town residents were saying they wanted (or didn’t want) …or maybe they just didn’t care. Why do I say this? Because a 2-1 vote sealed Mac’s appointment as Chief of Police for the Town of Crothersville.

I heard buzz of petitions going around town to remove the newly appointed Chief, but the 2 council members that voted him in simply turned their heads to the noise — and pulled out another $2 bucks an hour (e) for him from the town’s wallet. Council President, Ardell Mitchell voted ‘no’ on both occasions — but Karen Mains, (who wasn’t even voted in as a council member) and Bill Nagle voted affirmative. I can understand to a point why Mains isn’t listening to voters — I mean, those speaking out didn’t want her in this decision-making position in the first place or they would’ve voted her in. But I wonder how much consideration Nagle gave to the opinions of those who trust(ed) him to vote on their behalf.

Next, Kendra Smith resigned her duties as an acting Crothersville School Board Member. Although she moved away from the burg quite some time ago, she used her Mother’s address to legally retain her board position. Then her Mother’s house sold. While I hated to see this family move away from the burg, I certainly didn’t see anything wrong with the fact that Kendra remained on the board throughout the interim — after all, she’s who the voters wanted in office. Another elected position open…

The applicant’s names for the Crothersville School Board Member opening were not provided to the public, (most of us know who they were anyway), but the board appointed Ralph Hillenburg. Interestingly enough — he is the dude that was voted OUT of office when Kendra was voted in. Voters didn’t want him then, but they’ve got him back now.

Do these 2 examples scream at you like they do me?

The deterioration of a government begins almost always by the decay of its principles.
~Charles de Secondat
Looks empty to me