this queen got cancelled for Christmas

Dec 24, 2021

In an earlier post I mentioned that the Chrysler team called me “STQ” for Shelley the Queen. I think I even talked about them reserving my room at the resort under “STQ,” and all the trouble I had proving the room was reserved for me. Yesterday, I mentioned that the Queen of England cancelled Christmas plans this year because of COVID — and I bragged that we were moving forward with our plans.

Well… I spoke too soon…

I’m typing this at almost 2:00 AM on Christmas Eve and the problems started yesterday morning. My favorite brother’s flight was cancelled… along with many other want-to-be travelers. The Omicron spike impacted flight and operational crews. While trying to get on an alternate flight, my sister-in-law, Tammy, called to let Scott know she was exposed to Omicron — her family members are about all sick.

She took a PCR test and will have the results tomorrow. If negative, she’s flying back to Vegas so Scott doesn’t spend Christmas home alone for the third year in a row. Ben and I will have lunch with the Peskies and plan to have our family Christmas once Coco is home on the 30th.

Do you see three letters (FFS) formed by water and shadows on the kitchen towel in the photo below?

I immediately saw “FFS” — and we all know what vulgar slang that stands for (click if you don’t). Since it fit our family’s Christmas challenge I had to take a photo. Did I mention my first call from Scott was just as I was taking TWO DOZEN EGGS out of a kettle to make deviled eggs? Again… FFS.

Have a healthy and happy Christmas! ❤️ 

TIL (Today I Learned): Germany started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree.