sprinkled with awesomesauce

Aug 13, 2009

Three short recommendations for you today that make me happy:


So they have nothing to do with one another, but the above items are either included simply because I like them, or because they are nothing short of awesome.

Ben and Amber are addicted. Not a day has gone by in recent months without Ben trying to force me to watch the first couple shows of the first season — me telling him that I didn’t have time. I really thought the whole thing was pretty silly, but kept that to myself. Last night, I tried to humor him by acting mildly interested and promising to give it a try at some point in the near future. He is such an assertive guy (wonder where he gets that trait!), that he proceeds to hook us up right that instant. Ben, Amber, Perry and I watched the first two episodes together, and then I reluctantly turned it off after episode #7. I have a new addiction. Thanks so much, Ben.

If you love reading news, and also have specific interests that you want to make sure you’re on top of, Alltop is the answer — well almost. You can create a free account, and simply choose feeds from a wide variety of topics, and then view your customized page to catch up on the latest and greatest. I’m still waiting on the ability to add feeds that I love that haven’t made it to Alltop, but it’s still pretty darned handy. Take a look at my page. You know you want to.

I have this cool app on my iPhone, but you can also download a desktop version as well. It’s been said that people only use 10% of their brain. After a week, Brain Challenge has reported that I’m now up to 12%. Go me! The bad news is, it reports my stress level at 92%. It’s a fun 10 minutes that will get those gears turning with once-per-day tests. It’s like $7 bucks for the full version on both the iPhone and desktop platforms.

Have anything you want to share in return?