google plays with logos

Sep 21, 2009

So you know how Google changes up its logo on holidays, world, historical and other key events? Like on Christmas they make the name look like gifts or ornaments, and on Easter the O’s are colored eggs? Have you been watching the recent Google mystery logo doodle changes?

WTF Google

So I search on Google to see what holiday this is supposed to represent. Tomorrow, September 22nd is Elephant Appreciation Day. Today, September 21st is Miniature Golf Day. The Bloggress (one of the BLOGS I frequent — and you should too) said the logo, “looks exactly like what I threw up this weekend. Is it International Vomit Day?”

I thought maybe Google knew the burg was about to get invaded by aliens! But no! The mystery was revealed to be a big ole’ happy birthday to H.G. Wells, the famous science fiction author who would’ve been 143 today.