dark early

Nov 10, 2009

fall is done

Holy cow it’s getting dark so early. Another mild day in the burg, but my trip to the garage a few minutes ago sure let me know that it’s cooling off. Highs in the low 60s for the next few days and I’m simply too scared to look at what comes after that.

oct leavesJust a few short weeks ago, the leaves were beautiful! The photo on the right was taken on October 23rd and is now nothing but a memory suspended in an image just for you. Depressingly, we’ve pretty much got to face the hard cruel fact that winter is just around the corner. In southern Indiana, that’s a mixed bag and we simply never know what we are going to get. I personally like the first snow of the year, but absolutely HATE the day after day of dreary, cold shit that winter brings.

I keep telling the house guests that where you live is nothing more than geography. While that may be true — geographically, I’m not where I want to be. How about you? And where would you go if you could pick up and move someplace else with all your family and friends?