my life is perfect

Dec 15, 2009

Ok, so you know my life isn’t perfect. I’ve never claimed that it was before I decided it would make a good post subject. But seriously, have you ever noticed how some people want you to think that their life is always full of sunshine because they are the very best friend that anyone could ever have, they have the very best partner, they live in the very best place, etc.? Do you know someone that can always find fault with everything that everyone does — except of course them? Nothing is ever their fault.

I’m not a perfect friend, but I try to be a good friend to my good friends. I’m not the best at remembering birthdays (I really suck at that). I’m a decent listener — but certainly not the best (I’m more the controlling teller — and I’m aware of that). I sometimes break plans at the last minute (sorry about that), and I forget to return phone calls about 40% of the time (extremely sorry about that too). I don’t claim that where I live is a wonderland — I have a decent house that’s comfortable. (The weather here sucks right now!) I don’t pretend that it’s a 10 bajillion dollar mansion located in the best geographical location on the planet, absent of the horrible people that live other places. I’ve never indicated that it’s a place that everyone should covet, but I’ll bet you know someone who boasts about how wonderful it is where they live, or how thrilled they are to be above you and where you reside.

If you really do good things, you don’t need to worry about what others don’t do good enough — and if you’re really that awesome, you won’t need to tell others how wonderful you truly are.