makes me laugh every time

Aug 10, 2010

Every single time I look at this photo, it makes me laugh. It’s not a snicker exactly, or a simple tee-hee. It’s more like a quick flash of something sorta’ like a giggle. It’s Colette’s expression. Like…what she might say if she could talk. (For example, “ARG! Who put this garter on my head?”)

It’s funny when I hear others say, “She’s getting so big!” Are you kidding me? She’s still tiny y’all.

Ok, so today, Amber announced that Colette has outgrown her newborn outfits. She’s gaining weight and exceeding doctor’s expectations, but she’s still less than 8 pounds. She’s healthy and she’s beautiful. But Ben was 11lbs 4 1/2 oz at birth. THAT is big.

I can remember the first time I saw him in the nursery at the hospital. He was born at the same time as triplets, and of course he was positioned right next to these three teensy tiny babies. This dude walked up to check out all the newborns, pointed at Ben and exclaimed, “Look at that one over there! He’s big enough to eat steak!” (Smartass.)

One more favorite that doesn’t make me laugh, but makes my heart warm (taken in the hospital a few days after birth).