I’ve lived 20 days Quarantined with Dogs

Mar 26, 2020

One major downside of being quarantined (with or without dogs) is that the days sort of run together. I have trouble keeping up with what day of the week it is. For example, I was going to mention an online team meeting we had but can’t even remember if it was yesterday or the day before. I remember the topics covered — just not the timeline of when it happened.

That blah feeling is pretty much the same for all of us here. Are you experiencing it too?

Dharma is feeling the blah!

I have the grocery thing down though. I place an order for Perry to pick up. I then sort the items and place a stack of goodies for Ben and one for the pesky neighbors inside the garage door. This keeps me home, Mom & Carl out of grocery stores and away from people (they love the drive for a break), and Ben and Coco quarantined, as well. We look at each other and chat a moment while outside in the driveway, all the while staying at least 6′ apart.

Not perfect — but not forever either.

And then you have Merida! She’s like the spring break crowd. She doesn’t care about social distancing and gets in EVERYONE’S personal space — greeting all humans and dogs excitedly like it’s her job.

Come see ME!

Locally, we’ve had some pretty icky news of late…

  • Like… 63 healthcare workers at Schneck Medical now quarantined because they were exposed to COVID-19 — of course that leaves a shortage of what’s needed: Read it in the Tribune…
  • And, Crothersville High School’s boys basketball coach and athletic director, Greg Kilgore, was arrested on a preliminary Level 5 felony charge of child solicitation. Read it in the Tribune…

Almost weekend, you guys. Not that it matters so much during a pandemic but I’m still looking forward to it. For the record, no dysentery or scurvy from my peanut butter cookies. They were yummy!