happy snaps

Oct 9, 2010

If you visit here often, you’ve noticed my posts have slowed down — AND, my photos have been taken with my “junk” camera. Rather than saying they aren’t wonderful works of photographic art, I’d rather just call them happy snaps. So what if they aren’t “worthy” of displaying on a wall in a great frame! These everyday life memory “happy snaps” are really valuable just the same.

Besides spending 3 days so sick I thought I would die, it’s been far from slow around here. The weather is gorgeous, (even though I know what season we get after fall leaves) and today was a great day to enjoy it. An outing with the family to Brownstown for Mexican cuisine (where I took the above photos) provided a truly beautiful drive with more orange-colored trees than I expected to see. Give it a week and I’ll betcha ole’ Jackson County will be covered in orange, red and gold.