I normally login to Facebook a couple times over a weekend, but on Saturday night, I have to admit, I was the queen of ‘clicky-clicky’. Having driven a school bus for many years, I have quite a few of my past students as FB friends. Some of them are young adults — some are still in school. Of course, some of their friends have asked that I be their friend, and so on. Yes, this is another Shelley FB rant…
Right after I read 15-20 back-and-forth comments from one of my FB student-friends telling the world that her little brother had been involved in a car accident, was puking and peeing blood, and asking for the phone number for Columbus Hospital because he was passing out, I scrolled down to read this:

I look at the profile of the author of the above posts to find that she’s 14 years-old. I hear it all the time…”Parents! You should be monitoring your child’s FB account!” Ok, so now what? As I’m worrying about this young girl’s stability and ability to harm herself, I get this from my son, Ben, in email with the subject line, “hahahaha”: