to what level would you stoop?

Dec 17, 2010

For those of you that have read the venom, if a person would lie about something like this…what else would they lie about?

Some people will stop at nothing. You could say the latest round of attacks (character assassination/harassment/libel/slander) have stooped to a new low. The psycho stalker speaks of my dead sister-in-law, and it makes my stomach churn. I guess there is no level too low that some can’t find a way to get under it. While this crazy has been going on and on in email after email to others talking about boobs and spouting lies — dots she THINKS she’s connected and rumors she’s heard that she claims as truth — it’s a totally different game now. You simply don’t say things about someone that’s dead. You don’t reference them as if they were nothing…not and let those who loved them know about it.

It’s scary. It’s pathetic.

My sister in law, Sheri, the late wife of my brother, Scott McKain, was truly a gift. She suffered horribly with the disease that claimed her life — cancer. I watched my brother lay beside her as she was dying, and before that, I watched as he would hold her head when she was sick and talk about the wonderful times they had that would be no more. It is a sick and evil human being that would attempt to tarnish that.

Shame on you.