i almost forgot…

Dec 17, 2010

Early this morning I grabbed a shot through the screen of a fat bird and got so upset, (not over the bird but because of the vile comments made by the psycho stalker), that I forgot to even post it. Fat birds love the leftover berries on the pear tear in the backyard. (That’s probably why he’s so fat.)

Another thing I want to share is so cool — and I forgot to mention it too! One blog I read faithfully is The Bloggess. One of the reasons I like her is because she also refers to her audience as “y’all” on occasion. (I don’t drop the F-bomb here, and if you’re offended by that, you probably only want to read the one post that I’ve linked to. I’m pretty sure it’s G-rated. Just keep your eyes center and you’ll be fine.)

The post says in part:

A few days ago I put up a post offering $30 gift cards to the first twenty people who didn’t know how they were going to give their kids Christmas gifts this year. They went frighteningly quickly. When I got to the twentieth person I saw that there were still a few more people who needed help and my heart sunk. Then a few comments in one person said “I’ll take care of the 21st person”. Then another person offered a card for the 22nd. Then another. Then it avalanched.

Seriously, go read this now. There’s still time before the holiday to think of something you might do for someone who needs a little help this year.