he knows when you’re awake

Dec 23, 2010

It’s the eve of Christmas Eve, and this girl has GOT to go to Wal-mart. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather take a stick in the eye. One last little toy to purchase, and I’m ready for Santa. Almost. Besides cleaning and cooking and wrapping gifts and about a bajillion other things. So in case I don’t return from the dreaded trip to HELL Wal-mart, I want to say this before I go…

I am truly blessed with the VERY best of friends! And, don’t think I’m not grateful…

Thanks a bunch to Alisa and Dennis. I’m not sure if they deliver my favorites because they know Betty Crocker I’m not (nor will I ever be!), or if they feel sorry for my Christmas guests who would otherwise get Sara Lee for dessert. Alisa is the queen of ding dong cupcakes — and Dennis’ Mom (Verla) introduced me to these ‘brickle somethings’ that are fabulous!

Happy Eve of Christmas Eve everyone! (Be good for goodness sake!)