I’ve heard some state, after supplying a quote or poem that has no origin of creation (by anonymous), that “anonymous” has written some pretty good stuff. In today’s times, anonymous also writes a lot of good code too.
Anonymous’ hackers are pretty ticked off at the City of Orlando over the arrest of people handing out food to homeless people. Evidently. Beginning as an argument over a group, Food Not Bombs, distributing food to the city’s homeless without a permit — the actions by the City’s mayor and others has escalated the disagreement to a higher level. (You can read the MSN article here.) The hacker group’s massive campaign against Orlando and “city web assets” wasn’t a joke…
When the Orlando Florida Guide website does happen to finally, and slowly display within a browser, it appears to be a cached version (photo left), certainly some type of work-around.
Of course, I can’t understand how handing out food to homeless people (permit or no permit) could be such a horrible thing. But I also have another concern!
Please Anonymous… please don’t mess with anything to do with the Casey Anthony trial taking place in Orange County, Florida. Ok? Thanks.
Success is determined by how determined you are to succeed.