it’s just a barn

Feb 6, 2012

I know, I know. It’s just a barn. But it’s what I see when I stop working and look out the office window…

This old barn’s ownership is no longer in my family, but I sure remember when it was. Purchased when I was a kid (a very, very long time ago) it was part of the old “Hougland” plot. I don’t remember exactly how many acres came with that particular piece of ground, but I do remember there was an old dilapidated house that was the most incredible place ever for a little girl to play.

The barn wasn’t in great shape then either, and at the time, we had horses and cows so it wasn’t long until heated watering troughs were installed. This old barn is where I learned that when mice are born they are pink and really cute. And, I learned they were the enemy of my grandfather. Obviously. This old barn had new flooring in the loft shortly after its purchase too… I remember walking up there stepping from beam to beam. I’m lucky to be alive! I remember my Dad banding calves there, and Carl neutering cats there too. And Mom? She contributed for sure — naming our horses after a democratic presidential family. Seriously, we had Linda Bird Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, etc. And Calico — the horse who gave birth to Ajax.

A year in the life of a barn — what other office has this kind of view?



