gettin’ pumped for the weekend

Feb 10, 2012

Before I begin to get all “BAM!” because it’s FINALLY Friday, I want to first include one little “did you know…” tip for BLOGGERS. So here goes…

Did you know that if you edit a post and republish it — everyone that subscribes to your content (either by email or through an RSS reader) are delivered your post again? Sometimes, after you republish, you might find a typo or something else you want to change. So you “fix” your old post more than once. And what happens? Your poor subscribers get that same post again… and again. It’s worse than the time loop in the movie Groundhog Day!

Now on to what’s really important!

It’s Friday, y’all. I have no clue what that means to you… but to me it means I get to see my favorite people on the planet (most of them anyway), really darned soon! I started the day off right, so I know I’ll be ready for the weekend!

Sugar in the raw is about as healthy as it gets around here. Unless you count peanut butter.