do strangers think you’re pleasant?

Aug 22, 2021

In today’s time of COVID spreading like crazy, it’s not just keeping our distance that makes everything seem less personal. Random conversations don’t happen as often either. Mama Pesky says she even has a difficult time recognizing people she knows when half their face is covered.

I almost always smile at people I don’t know when I come face-to-face with them. Like walking into a store and someone else is coming out… I smile. I figure it’s just being courteous and pleasant. But now that so many are back in masks again — no one really knows if you’re smiling or not.

Or do they…

Mother and daughter COVID masked

One of us was smiling in the photo above taken at Mom’s doctor’s office on Friday. Obviously, it’s not me. Guess I’ll keep on smiling even if I’m probably the only one that will notice. 🙂

Mississippi (120.5) just passed Florida (108.5) for the #1 riskiest state in the US to live in. Indiana (43.3) has passed Nevada (35.1) — and the entire US map (except for Nebraska that either is unbelievably healthy or doesn’t report) is RED. Crazy that Hawaii stayed in pretty darned good shape the first round — but with the variant and relaxed travel, they’re looking rough at 48.2.

No vaccine shaming… but just a prayer that y’all are careful out there.

TIL (Today I Learned): While filming Star Wars (1977), a prop Sandcrawler located close to the Tunisian-Libyan border caused Libyan dictator Mu’ammar Al-Gaddafi to threaten war against Tunisia because he believed it was a military vehicle.