thinking about nothing in particular

Oct 3, 2012

A friend of mine on Facebook had a status update today that sparked a ton of conversation. This wonderfully kind nurse of large stature was openly treated rudely in a restaurant because of her size. The gesture came from an “older” man and I’m sure it hurt her feelings but she shared it anyway. After reading all the supportive comments left by others, I scrolled down about 1/2 page and saw a cool status from someone else. It said:

“Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength.”

I’ve found that to be so true! Rudely exploiting what is perceived to be a flaw or a weakness in someone else doesn’t follow along with what my brother and I heard a bajillion times growing up.

If you don’t have something nice to say about someone, then don’t say anything at all.

Think about how your words might make others feel — and then decide if it’s really worth it.