Ben and Coco have moved into their new place and my house is pretty much back to normal (whatever that is). The problem — the sofa that was in their bedroom (before it was a bedroom again) is now long gone, and they took the beds and dressers that recently filled the room to capacity. My new (their old) room was empty.
Easy problem to solve; I figured it was time to go shopping anyway. I always try to buy locally if I can and Greeman’s has some seriously nice stuff… so I pick out this red sofa (yah, I said red) and had it delivered yesterday.
Delivery Dude: Do you know anyone that lives on this road?
Me: Yah. I grew up right over there (points to the ole’ homestead). I’m a McKain.
Delivery Dude: Do you know who Scott McKain is?
Me: He’s my brother.
Delivery Dude: Your brother? He’s FAMOUS!!! F A M O U S!!!!!! (said while trembling just a bit)
Me: Yes. Yes, he is.
My furniture delivery experience? Almost as cool as my red retro sofa, you guys.