just a normal trip to Wal-mart

Jun 30, 2013

I would rather take a stick in the eye than go to Wal-mart. Coco, on the other hand, LOVES to go with Nana to that dreaded store. She must be the easiest little girl on the planet to take places… she never cries or asks for anything (I know this will probably change since she’s only 3), and she squeals at the sight of shoes (oh Ben, you are so in trouble). As Nana, I can do pretty much whatever I want. If I want to buy her something every time she accompanies me shopping I can. Because I’m Nana.

So a Dora doll caught Coco’s eye primarily because she was wearing these bright aqua-colored shoes. Dora rode in the cart right beside Coco until we could pay for her and take her out of the box. Scanned first thing, I began tearing into that box while the cashier was ringing up the cart-full of other items. I handed Dora to Coco and the first thing she did was look under her skirt. Poor Dora was naked under there!

Not flinching, (and in front of a long line of people and Ms. Grumpy Cashier) Coco said, “Dora pooped and they took her pants.

Since a reckless fairy got in a ton of trouble because Daddy said to ‘be careful’ — Dora’s mishap will surely inspire a lecture to remember…

You are in trouble, Dora.