looking forward

Jul 21, 2018

I need to get motivated to move forward to the next big 80’s house project — I have to paint a few more rooms. School starts in about 2 weeks around here and I’ve not plowed half-way through spring cleaning. Still, here I sit drinking a cup of coffee and debating what I want to do today.

Rather than pick up a paint brush, I spent $50 bucks on scent plug refills from Yankee Candle online and pulled out a photo from yesterday’s storms to share here.

Dharma is not a fan of storms

There was hail and wicked clouds — but this scared girl’s gorgeous face could be captured without going outside. Again, there’s that motivation issue again.

There are 3 things I’ve done in the past to get motivated:

  1.  A shower and real clothes
  2.  Music – loud
  3.  Start small so accomplishment comes quickly

So here goes nothing… happy Saturday!