Some days are just good — yesterday was one of those days for me. The pesky non-neighbors are back in Indiana, Perry had the day off, Ben was here to entertain, and Coco was celebrating her birthday. You party hard if you’re 9 and it’s YOUR party.

Of course, I remember birthdays from my youth — way back when you got one gift and your brother got one too. ONE GIFT, you guys. And a cake with candles. Speaking of candles… obviously by the number of them on the cake in the photo below it was MY special day. So why is my brother all puckered up blowing them out?

It’s a lot different in 2019 — and for Coco! She opened way too many cool items (although I’m not sure exactly how I feel about an LOL dog collar).

The weather even cooperated yesterday. It wasn’t too hot to sit in the patio room and just yack about nothing. Spending a day with family without the pressures of work? It doesn’t get any better than that!