Most of us don’t get enough sleep. We know it’s important, but for a bajillion reasons we typically get less than we probably should. I know that’s true for me. If I get 6 hours at night I rank it as ‘great.’
I read an article about sleep that made my brain hurt. More complicated reading than I prefer if not work related — yackaty smackaty about synapses and brain proteins — the end result was what I expected. Sleep more.
Most of us don’t get enough exercise either. Again, we know it’s important but typically get less than we should. I’ve seen blog, instagram and facebook posts from people who have a routine that includes exercise and wonder how they do it. I last about 4 days before Perry has a day off or Ben wants to do something that interrupts my pattern. One little change-up and I go off the rails.
If still in my 30’s, I’d likely care more. Sadly, I’m at a time in life when I should care the most. Gracie is 99 in people years. She sleeps all night, naps 80% of the day, and still finds time to tree a squirrel.

If I want to live to be 99 I need to stop it with the lame excuses. No way I can nap during the day. I have to work. I can commit to going to bed earlier! My plan for the week is to be in bed before 2:00 AM. BAM! Here goes a healthier and more productive me.