2 weeks is 14 sleeps

Jan 10, 2020

Two weeks from today we’ll be headed for the happiest place on earth and I couldn’t be happier. While it may be 60 degrees here in Indiana today (in January!), there’s not a hint of sun. Matter of fact, flooding is an issue and 50 mph winds are in the forecast for tomorrow.

rain and wind in Indiana

And… Merida is still about |-| close to making me lose my mind. Our vet said to use one word… like “cage”… to say when she’s bad. Once the word is uttered, he said to immediately back it up by putting her in there. It only took two times for her learn that word. She knows it so well that when anyone says anything that even rhymes with the word ‘cage’ she tucks her butt and promptly runs under the bed.

Don’t let the cuteness fool ya. This little puppy is the devil.

Merida is the devil.

Just ask Dharma…

Poor Dharma.

And if that’s not bad enough, I have other things to worry about even more pressing. Check out YouTube TV’s recommendations for me. Coincidence? I think not! 🙂

bad neighbors