My “one thing” to do today on this day #33 of QwD (quarantined with dogs) is going to be closer to 50 things. It’s time to mow and wield the weed eater again, but it’s a great day to be outside in southern Indiana. 75° right now with partly sunny skies and a high of 80° by late afternoon.

Are you guys having issues with sleep if you’re home because of COVID-19? I sure am! I make about 4 hours or so at night when I’m supposed to be sleeping, and then need a nap by late afternoon bringing the tally to around 6 hours. TOTAL! Then, I’m not sleepy at bedtime so it’s a repeat of the day before. I’ve got to figure out how to rectify this soon.
Merida just wants to be woken up when it’s all over.

46 cases in Jackson County (up 6 since yesterday)
5,943 cases in Indiana (up 436 since yesterday)
203 total deaths in Indiana (up 30 since yesterday)
399,979 cases in US (up 21,690 since yesterday)