I’ve heard people talk about their dogs accompanying them to the bathroom. But do they stand guard? Merida is at sentry station on point and on guard. No Rona coming in here!

Although Jackson County, Indiana’s numbers remained the same since yesterday, Indiana as a whole continues to go up — as does the US as a whole…
COVID-19 update — Indiana/Jackson County runs a day behind on reporting:
77 cases in Jackson County (up 0)
10,154 cases in Indiana (up 612)
519 total deaths in Indiana (up 42)
692,169 cases in US (up 52,155 since yesterday)
Ben was out to take Colette to her Mom’s and said Seymour was booming. Tons of traffic and lines at drive-thrus. Either people are sick of being at home, or they aren’t cooking like I am.

Happy weekend, you guys! 🙂