I was captured a few moments ago and placed into a holding cell. My crime was eating an entire stick of butter I stole from the kitchen counter. I heard the human (the one with hair on top of the head — not the human with hair on the face) — right before the cell door clanged locking me inside — say I might be forced to eat cocoa powder and oatmeal so I could create cookies for the humans and their offspring.

I’ve noticed of late the 2-legged creatures here have a lower tolerance for my plundering. I love stealing skillets from under the queen human’s oven. She laughed and laughed when I did it last week! This morning, she didn’t find it at all funny so I ran really fast with the loot and took it under the bed with me. It wasn’t kind the way she talked to me after that. That’s why I ate the stick of butter. Paper and all.
It was all fun and games yesterday. I watched the human queen mowing out the window and thoroughly enjoyed seeing her stooping to manual labor.
Freedom is only a memory…

COVID-19 update:
90 cases in Jackson County (up 6 since yesterday)
11,210 cases in Indiana (up 577 since yesterday)
562 total deaths in Indiana (up 17 since yesterday)
742,442 cases in US (up 25,559 since yesterday)